
Oprah Winfrey is More Popular Among American Voters than Donald Trump

“The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 48 percent of likely USA voters would opt for Winfrey, while 38 percent would choose Trump”, a press release summarizing the poll said on Wednesday.


All of which is to say, the similarities are discomfiting enough that if she runs for president, don’t count her out.

Black voters heavily supported Clinton too, giving the Democratic nominee an 80-point advantage, 88 per cent to 8 per cent, over Trump on election day, but it wasn’t almost as much support as the voting bloc gave President Obama in 2008 and 2012.

This is the understatement of the century. “It’s not just a story affecting the entertainment industry”. Not all senators or governors make good presidents, to be sure, but they’re a better bet, by and large, than the typical movie star or businessman. There is no sense of how this would affect her or his campaign. We’d like to add that she’s a total inspiration as well. In the ’90s, she helped lobby for the National Child Protection Act, also known as the “Oprah Bill”. At this point, who’s to say that Winfrey couldn’t run?

President Donald Trump previously picked Oprah as a potential running mate.

Oprah has fans worldwide.

And I don’t necessarily think that she should run but I think that she’s a viable candidate and I’m glad people are finally talking about the possibility. Her likeability will no doubt be an asset to her come election time. “Everybody loves Oprah“, are wrong.

On Monday, Ha’Aretz reported that billionaire and president of the World Jewish Congress Ronald Lauder, who has known Trump for decades, published a statement praising the nation’s commander in chief and expressed confidence in his functioning. Not because Tinseltown’s glitterati donned black to show support for the #MeToo movement, but because President Trump was hardly mentioned at all.

So why should Oprah give the presidency a shot?

She’s dealt firsthand with campaign issues throughout her career. 2017 marked the academy’s first graduating class of students. They can inspire people through their words, as Oprah did last Sunday night at the Golden Globes. Sources emphasize that Oprah’s mind isn’t made up yet. “It’s up to the people”, Ms. Winfrey’s longtime partner Stedman Graham told a Los Angeles Times reporter. What we basically know is that she is a charismatic figure at a time in which charisma (using the term very loosely in the case of Trump) seems to rule.

Swanson (79), now president emeritus of New York-based business organisation the Ireland-US Council, said that he could see his former protegee running for the White House but that she might be discouraged by the vicious nature of American politics.

He added: ‘Oprah would be a lot of fun.

On Tuesday, President Trump said he could handily emerge victorious if he and Oprah Winfrey were pitted against each other in the 2020 presidential race.


I’m not arguing the fact that Oprah wouldn’t be a formidable candidate if she chose to run.

Dianne Williamson: Imagining Oprah in Oval Office