
1 hospitalized after report of shooting in downtown Denver

The Alliance Center mainly houses environmental nonprofits. Buena Vista Police Chief Jimmy Tidwell said officers served a notice of the airport ban to Mickey Russell, a pilot, who signed it without protest.


Saunier did not elaborate on what was said or to whom. Schepman also confirmed that the victim in critical condition was a woman with multiple gunshot wounds.

Denver Police Department officers, back, signal to a man in the alley behind the scene of a shooting in a lower downtown business Tuesday, June 28, 2016, in Denver.

The initial police dispatch, at 2:42 p.m. Tuesday, said there was “an active shooter in the stairwell”.

Victims were rushed to the hospital. Emergency crews poured into the area after a gunman opened fire in a crowded office building in Denver, Colorado Tuesday afternoon, June 28, 2016. She and her coworkers ran several blocks and kept running until they found a police officer parked in his vehicle and they jumped in.

“Shots fired at 15th & Wynkoop”.

At least seven police cruisers and possibly two motorcycle units arrived on the scene, according to photos. But, by then, many workers had already fled. Multiple ambulances and police cars responded and remain on the scene. He said he did not know what type of weapon was used in the shooting.

– Denver Police Dept. (@DenverPolice)Building surrounded. apparently there’s a #shooter inside.

This post will be updated as more information is available.


The Alliance Center was closed Wednesday, but it is scheduled to reopen Thursday.

Police near the scene of a shooting in Denver Colorado on Tuesday June 28 2016.         
                                     CBS Denver