
1 loud shot: Survivor describes movie theater shooting

That makes sense to most people, but somehow liberals are more interested in enacting new laws than in enforcing existing ones.


“I suspect there may be some courts where the reporting is not done because they are just having trouble keeping up with the day-to-day work of people coming into their offices needing their help”, Tate said.

“Out of 20 rounds he shot 11 people, but some people suffered multiple wounds”, Craig said.

But he turned around and shot himself dead when he saw police officers rushing towards the sound of gunfire.

Lafayette Police Department Chief Jim Craft provides an update on Thursday’s deadly shooting at the Grand Theatre in Lafayette, La., Friday, July 24, 2015. “Come on, where are you?”

An initial report about Houser will likely be released next week, the police spokesman said, and by Monday, they expect to remove the police tape from the crime scene, returning some measure of normalcy to the place where a romantic comedy on screen was interrupted by violence in the theater.

Rem Houser said the family knew something was wrong, but they didn’t realize the situation had gotten so bad. Police found disguises, including wigs and glasses, in his motel room.

He said Houser was known to have undergone treatment for an unspecified mental illness while in Alabama in 2008 and 2009.

Educated in accounting and law, he owned bars in Georgia – including one where he flew a Nazi banner out front as an anti-government statement. He tried real estate in Phenix City.

In recent days, Houser struck those who dealt with him as becoming unhinged. It was then that he regularly appeared on a local television show, appearing opposite a Democrat as a radical Republican railing against women in the workplace and calling for violence against abortion providers. He was an “angry man” who spoke opposite a Democrat and really lit up the phones, he added.

“On LinkedIn, Houser wrote that during his guest appearances, “[I] invited political controversy… and loved every minute of it”. By Saturday afternoon, three patients remained hospitalized, according to Cpl. He had switched its license plates and stashed the keys on top of a tire.

She obtained a restraining order against him, telling a judge he had manic depression and/or bipolar disorder.

For the past several years, Houser lived as a “drifter”.

“It was a odd”.

“We heard a loud pop we thought was a firecracker”, Katie Domingue told The Advertiser. The blasts from the gun produced flashes of light in the dark theater, she said.

By any definition, Houser was a danger to himself and others.

A teacher amongst the pack dove in front of a fellow teacher and companion, taking a bullet to the leg, potentially saving her friend’s life. “A man had actually dragged her out”.

Across Lafayette, there’s been an outpouring of love for the victims with people leaving them flowers and holding vigils or moments of silence. “We don’t know why he chose to stop and stay in Lafayette”.

Johnson was also part of a band, the Figs, which was at the “forefront of a movement of a younger generation embracing Cajun/folk music traditions and making them popular and “cool” again”, Molly Rowe, who knew her, said via email.

“He could relate with just about anybody”, Houser said.

Was it a loaded gun that killed two innocent women and harmed a host of other people at the Lafayette Grand theater? “I said, ‘There is no way”. “Then he became your sworn enemy”, Hardin said. Last year, he was evicted from a house he used to own in Phenix City, Alabama, and returned to vandalize the property, the sheriff there said. He had just borrowed $5,000 from his mother, said Louisiana State Police Col. Michael Edmonson, but “he needed money”. But partially because of that, he was denied a concealed-carry pistol permit the following year.

On Friday, after detailing each victim’s wounds, David Callecod, president of Lafayette General Health, pleaded for society to provide as much funding for mental health services as it does for other medical problems.

Pressed to explain why Houser wasn’t arrested before, Sheriff Taylor also blamed cuts in the safety net.


Houser made such “ominous” threats that Kellie Houser said she removed all the guns and weapons from the couple’s home. “What should be scary for the community is that the cuts being made in mental health around the state are allowing these people, who should not be walking around, to be out in the community”.

Surveillance video shows John Houser the gunman who opened fire in a Lafayette La. movie theater at a nearby motel.               CBS News