
$1 Million Sweepstakes Announced

Bethesda has announced that it’s giving away $1 million to one player of The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited. Actually, it definitely will interest you as it involves a million dollars, who doesn’t like money? Oh, and rememer the finders fee if you won from hearing it hear from us, just sayin’. You’ll need to be at least 18, too, register via this entry form and log into ESO between December 3rd and January 10th. Because you’ve given us so much, we’d thought we’d return the kindness by offering you something in return.


That’s right, cold hard cash for playing Elder Scrolls Online.


In addition to the grand prize victor, a thousand lucky winners will be rewarded with 3,000 in-game crowns each, allowing them to buy anything in the Crown Store including mounts, pets, costumes and DLC packs. These winners will also be chosen on February 1. Needless to say, it’s a bit of a hassle to participate if you don’t own The Elder Scrolls Online, but hey, we’re talking about $1 million here so the hassle is clearly well worth it.

Elder Scrolls Online starts $1 million sweepstake