
100 days to the November 8 election: Clinton vs Trump

Hillary Clinton on Thursday claimed her place in history as the first woman presidential nominee of a major US party, promising economic opportunity for all and rejecting Donald Trump’s dark vision of America. A pre-convention controversy over hacked Democratic Party emails showing favoritism for Clinton in the primary threatens to deepen the perception that Clinton prefers to play by her own rules.


“I get it. Some people just don’t know what to make of me”, she said. Calling her nomination a milestone on America’s “march toward a more ideal union”, Clinton presented herself as an experienced leader in volatile times who can unify the country.

“Crooked Hillary Clinton made up facts about me, and “forgot” to mention the many problems of our country, in her very average scream!” Thanks to you and everyone who has fought so hard to make this possible.

The former secretary of state, introduced by her daughter Chelsea, drew on the historic roots of Philadelphia as a way to reiterate one of her campaign slogans. “Where families are strong, communities are safe, and yes, love trumps hate”. “How does she keep going amid the sound and fury of politics?” she said.

Hillary Clinton at the 2016 DNCSource: J. Tim Kaine, who addressed the convention Wednesday.

The statement says Clinton’s remarks were “delivered from a fantasy universe, not the reality we live in today”.

On Wednesday night, Mr Obama told the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia that he struggled to see the America that Donald Trump often described on the campaign trail.

Obama, addressing the Democratic convention this week, had said, “What we heard in Cleveland last week wasn’t particularly Republican and it sure wasn’t conservative”.

‘That is not the America I know, ‘ President Obama said.

In stark contrast to Republican nominee Donald Trump’s provocative speech last week, Ms Clinton’s was positive, reaffirming and centered on the theme of unity.

“Because when any barrier falls in America, for anyone, it clears the way for everyone”.

“It’s been a year and nobody has given me a reason why we should embrace a trade deal”, he said.


“I sweat the details of policy”, she admitted. “So just ask yourself if you really think Donald Trump has the temperament to be commander-in-chief”. It was a long speech but it was considered more effective than Republican nominee, Trump’s who spent more time name bashing than bringing the American people together on common ground.

Clinton was welcomed with loud cheers as she entered the arena and embraced her daughter Chelsea who introduced her as the next President of the United States