
100 women pose nude to protest at Republican National Convention

The women were part of art project by Spencer Tunick, the photographer who has been organizing mass-scale nude shoots since 1994.


The installation took place on a property which is private not officially in sight of the arena where the convention starts on Monday.

Talking about his inclusive and interactive artwork Tuncik’s website explains that “Republicans, Democrats and all other political parties were welcome to take part reflecting their anger through art against the hateful repressive rhetoric of many in the Republican Party towards women and minorities”.

Tunick gathered 100 women in Cleveland to protest this week’s Republican National Convention, which kicks off today.

Tunick is well-known for human art installations that involve naked models.

‘By holding mirrors, we hope to suggest that women are a reflection and embodiment of nature, the sun, the sky and the land. “I have two daughters and a wife“, he told AFP.

Spencer Tunick’s and these 100 courageous women are protesting beautifully, and this comes in the middle of Cleveland trying to decide if it should suspend “open carry” because of a call to arms by the New Black Panther Party.

Trump’s populist positions in opposition to illegal immigration, various free trade agreements that he believes are unfair, and most military interventionism have earned him particular support among blue-collar voters and voters without college degrees.

Tunick said just voting against Trump in the November election was not enough.

MaPo Kinnord is a 55 years old woman and she is an art professor and artist. Donald Trump used his influence to give a voice to those voiceless voters, and now he’s 50% of the people most likely to be President of the United States. “He underestimated his female, Republican vote”, said Cathy Scott, a Republican voter, to Esquire. Despite having no children of my own, I’ve raised dozens of young women as their mentor, coach and, on occasion, their emergency bank for tuition and rent.

1,800 women signed up to participate in the installation back in May, but only 100 could be used.


“I’m here because I’m a trans woman and we’re not supposed to like our bodies and I don’t like that”, said another protestor, Harmony Moon.

Cleveland Over 100 women pose naked in protest against Donald Trump