
1000 pages of Clinton emails released; 84 classifications

None of the latest messages had been labelled “top secret”, a designation that had been given to 22 e-mails withheld from release in January. Be prepared for lots of redactions, usually containing sensitive information such as names and direct contact information, such as email addresses and phone numbers.


Clinton’s email habits as secretary of state have dogged her throughout her Democratic presidential campaign, with reports the FBI is investigating her use of a private server housed in her family’s home instead of a traditional government email account.

Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon has said that the emails likely originated on the State Department’s unclassified system before they were ever shared with Clinton, and they have remained on the department’s unclassified system for years. So far, it has released 45,830 pages of emails.

The emails include 81 that were reclassified as “confidential”, the lowest level of classification.

One email from a top USA diplomat to Egypt, David Satterfield, discussed negotiations in the Sinai with top State Department and White House officials. “This court-ordered release is another reminder that Hillary Clinton’s attempt to skirt transparency laws put our national security at risk”, Mr Priebus said in a statement.

“With Clinton now tied to three federal investigations by the State Department and FBI, buyer’s remorse must be growing amongst the Democrat establishment who have gone out of their way to rig the nominating process in her favor”.

Clinton’s campaign has refuted the “top secret” designation and demanded that all of Clinton’s emails be released to the public. But the State Department said it would be unable to meet the deadline.


Clinton has maintained she never sent material which was classified on the private server at the time.
