
106-year-old says she can ‘die happy’ after Obama meeting

Which helps explain why McLaurin, now 106, was so thrilled to visit President and Michelle Obama in the White House that she danced her way into her brief meeting with them as part of a celebration of Black History Month.


“I know he said something, but I don’t remember”, Mdm McLaurin said of Mr Obama.

McLaurin was an unstoppable force during the meeting even though Obama told her to “slow down”.

Despite all the presidents McLaurin – who lives in Washington – has seen occupy the White House, Obama was the one she wanted fervently to meet.

She shouted when she first saw the president. And she danced – busting moves that have made her the newest Internet darling. “I want to be like you when I grow up”.

“I thought I would never live to get into the White House, and I tell you, I am so happy”, she exults. The YouTube video was accompanied by a White House petition and a Facebook page.

Virginia McLaurin dreamed of meeting President Obama for years and last week, the centenarian finally had her chance to meet POTUS.

“I’m fine”, she said.

On Sunday, the White House shared a delightful video of Virginia McLaurin’s meet-and-greet with the Obamas.

The meeting turned Mdm McLaurin, who said she’s lived in Washington since the 1930s, into something of an overnight celebrity.

Although the governors did not commit to a specific number of pills that patients should be given, Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin, who pushed for the proposal, said that for nonchronic conditions, it should be no more than 10, noting that 250 million doses of opioids were prescribed in 2012. I was so happy to shake his hand and his wife was so nice.

“And I’m here for Black History Month”, she added, beaming. “I pray for you every day of my life”.


“I didn’t think I’d live to see a black President”, McLaurin told WRC-TV before filing a petition to meet Obama in 2014.

Obamas Find A 106-Year-Old Reason To Dance