
1969 moon landing: Nixon speech in case of failure

Armstrong’s first step on the moon was historical and most significant in the name of science during the last century. So in honor of National Moon Day-which, yes, is an actual unofficial holiday-we have a great tune to download about Earth’s own natural satellite.


Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon on July 20, 1969, along with fellow astronauts, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin and Lt. Col. Michael Collins, accompanied Armstrong. The Apollo 11 crew left a plaque affixed to one of the legs of the Lunar Module’s descent stage which read: “Here Men From the Planet Earth First Set Foot Upon the Moon; July 1969, A.D”. We came in peace for all mankind.

The event ended the space race and meet President Kennedy’s deadline of landing a man on the moon by the end of the decade. On July 24th they landed on the pacific ocean and completed the mission. Do you think the Apollo missions were worthwhile?

The moon landing may look like a piece of cake compared to what NASA may have been accomplishing lately but the moon landing was unique because it actually put people on the ground of an alien surface, which NASA haven’t done again up until now. The museum hopes to raise $500,000 on Kickstarter to conserve the spacesuit, build a climate-controlled display case and digitize the spacesuit with 3D scanning.


A future extraterrestrial archeologist may find an artifact even more valuable than our aging space probes and golden records: the lucky ones will find our garbage. The first step is to log the suit’s exact current appearance, using 3D and Connecticut scanning to create a map.

46th anniversary of first moon landing