
1st death related to Zika virus seen in continental US

An elderly Salt Lake County resident who died in late June is the first confirmed Zika-related death in the continental US, health officials announced Friday. Salt Lake County officials said a patient who died at the end of June had a Zika virus infection that contributed to her death.


Reuters reports that as of July 6 the CDC is monitoring 320 USA pregnant women with laboratory evidence of Zika infection, an increase of 287 women just one week earlier. if you are traveling overseas, first check the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s travel page to see if Zika is spreading in your planned destination. It was contracted by a woman who had traveled outside of the U.S. Officials, at the time, said the woman was 55 but did not disclose any additional information about her.

The virus – spread through mosquitoes or sexual contact – has been linked to birth defects in children, something the administration says is a matter of public concern, not politics.

While the actual illness caused by Zika infection is for the most part mild, public health officials are mainly concerned about the impact Zika infection could have on unborn babies.

For Aedes aegypti mosquitoes to transmit Zika they must bite infected persons, otherwise they can’t become infectious and transmit the disease. “So we’re growing up the virus and providing it to collaborators”.

If Congress does not pass a bill before the session ends for August recess, then gathering the necessary funding to fight the spread of Zika may turn into a waiting game.

The study, announced on Tuesday, seeks to determine the incidence of Zika virus infection, identify potential risk factors for infection, evaluate how long the virus remains in bodily fluids, and study reproductive outcomes of Zika-infected participants. Meanwhile, as they have dithered, 265 pregnant women in the USA have been infected with the virus.

Several affected countries have also reported an increase in the number of cases of Guillain-Barré Syndrome, a neurological disorder.

One had recently traveled to Jamaica and the other to Haiti. The travel clinic can provide necessary immunizations and prescriptions for the prevention of other travel-related diseases.


“For this reason, many people might not realize they have been infected”. Appointments can be made by calling 385-468-4111.

Doctors are reporting the first death of a person infected with the zika virus in the continental U.S