
2 children found living in crates in Kansas City caves

Deputies said they found the two children in an 8 by 10 wooden crate.


Investigators said the 4-year-old was eating a cup of dry ramen noodles that had dirt in it.

While investigating reported illegal activities in underground caves, Jackson County Sheriff’s deputies found two children who appeared to be living in crates and now their mother is facing charges. The children were described by police as filthy, barefoot and without sufficient food or water. Their feet bare. One child ate dry noodles from a dirty cup.

The children were taken to hospital for examination and to get bathed and dressed in clean clothing.

Numerous grottoes characteristic smooth roadways, essentials and produced enterprise house, and some, like that then the children have been found, includes soil slabs and unrestrained entrance ways. The older child told officers he should be in first grade but did not go to school. They said their mother’s boyfriend lived somewhere else. “The six year old advised that he should be in the 1st grade but that he did not go to school”.

This is what one of the caves where Brittany Mugrauer left her two children alone in a shipping crate looks like. The only other items noted in the wooden crate were two blankets and wiring on the floor.

Brittany Mugrauer, 24, was taken into custody Friday in Kansas City after deputy sheriffs discovered the children while searching the cave as part of investigation into a possible auto parts “chop shop”, which moves stolen parts, the Jackson County prosecutor’s office said.


Prosecutors have requested a $75,000 bond for Mugrauer, according to the Star, after she told police she had left the children in the caves for “several days”. Police claim that the mother admitted to the children living in the cave for “several days” and to leaving them unattended.

US mom charged after children found living in wooden crate in underground cave