
2 more Malaysians die in Bangkok bomb incident – Ministry

Saw Gek’s husband Neoh Hock Guan, 55, survived the blast with minor injuries while Saw Gek’s daughter who is five months pregnant, survived with no injuries as she was not at the scene during the blast.


“When I bent to pick it up, I heard the explosion”, he told the Malay Mail.

A tourist agency says 100 percent of its Hong Kong customers have canceled their bookings for travel to Bangkok after a bombing at a downtown shrine killed 20 people and injured more than 120.

The bomb crater at the downtown Erawan shrine where the Monday evening explosion killed 20 people has been paved over with a fresh coat of white cement.

“Hui Sin has taken the earliest flight to Bangkok today to see her family”, the businessman told the press.

Their smiling Thai driver is pictured in the same photo making the two-fingered “peace” sign.

They were supposed to have returned home yesterday.

According to the ministry’s statement, the bodies of the two victims, Lee Tze Siang and his daughter Lee Jing Xuan are now placed in the Police General Hospital and Chulalongkorn Bangkok Hospital for post mortem.

Pictured in pink in the family photograph, the four-year-old is the youngest confirmed victim of the explosion so far.

Another member still missing is Lim Su Yee, 52.

“We can not believe four members of our family have been killed in the bomb blast. They should be punished severely”.

The shrine reopened on Wednesday with Buddhist monks leading prayers.

Thai authorities have said they are hunting a man shown on security footage strolling into the packed shrine and leaving a backpack before the explosion occurred.

She said she went ahead first to pray at the shrine while Tan watched over their belongings.


Rui Hun’s wife Teo Khaei Ling, 27, a sales executive in Kelantan, said that at the time of the blast, they were praying at the four-faced Buddha statue at the Ratchaprasong intersection, near the famous Erawan Shrine.

Businessman, mother-in-law injured in Thai bombing