
2 water systems report excessive lead content

An Associated Press analysis of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency data found no water systems that serve populations in Kentucky subject to the federal lead rule to be over the lead standard in their most recent samplings.


“My office receives those results from the tests and we evaluate them and communicate with the water system operator”, he said, adding that each resident receives a copy of those results.

Among schools and day care centers operating their own water systems, Environmental Protection Agency data analyzed by The Associated Press showed that 278 violated federal lead levels at some point during the past three years.

Periodic lead testing from a sample of home water taps is required by the EPA, and in Tennessee that testing is coordinated by the Department of Environment and Conservation.

“We’re never going to be able to say we have ideal water – it’s a solvent!” he said. The city still has some lead “goosenecks”, the apparatus that connects the main lines to service lines, but also quite a few older homes, he said.

Other systems with high lead levels are Delight Waterworks, Houston Waterworks, Keiser Waterworks and the North Howard Rural Water Association. The building, which houses elementary and high schools, reported lead levels from 16 to 20 parts per billion in 2014 and 2015, according to the EPA.

Lead is known to be particularly hazardous to the health, and Newark Public Schools have been known to have high levels of exposure for at least six years. “We have result transmittal letters that go out to the water producer”, he said. The fountains now are under the limit but still present some lead, Snyder said.

While there is no safe amount of lead, the EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule of 1991 codified the federal lead action limit at 15 ppb.

The district did its regular testing in September 2012 at five locations specified by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Some members of Congress have called for more money and expanded lead sampling. Twin Hills School, Sebastopol: Elevated lead levels were found in water in one sink.

None of the state’s biggest public water systems made the list of violators during the last three years.

Another bill sponsored by New Jersey Congressman Bill Pascrell would help school districts pay for lead testing.

Notification to customers was delayed in at least two cases when water systems were over the limit, including the Oak Creek School and the forest. Even brass fixtures might have some lead that can leach into standing water.

Nationally, almost 1,400 water systems serving 3.6 million Americans have exceeded the federal standard since January 1, 2013.

Laura Jordan, external affairs manager for the company, said lead samples are collected at the customer’s tap and the results are provided to the customer that collected the sample.

“Under no circumstance should the health and safety of our children be jeopardized by water quality, particularly in a school”, Sen.

“Children across America are being poisoned by lead in their schools’ drinking water”, said Congressman Payne, Jr.


Wieckowski told The Desert Sun, lawmakers should also consider legislation that would push consolidation of small water systems. “One of the recommendations from expert panels to the EPA is that we must develop a strategy in this country to remove and replace these lead service lines – but the estimates of doing that run into the tens of billions of dollars and finding that money is going to be hard”.

Illinois seeks quicker lead notifications by water systems