
2016 is last chance for Republicans to win presedential election: Donald Trump

Hope Hicks, Trump’s spokeswoman, said after the interview aired that the campaign thought he was appearing on King’s podcast.


Hillary Clinton called the latest intermingling of Donald Trump with Russian President Vladimir Putin “unseemly” and “beyond one’s imagination”, one day after the Republican nominee appeared on a Kremlin-backed television network.

RT America, which launched in 2005, is an increasingly influential propaganda network for the Russian Federation government.

Trump’s interview with King was promoted by RT America as an exclusive.

“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters”, he said during a January campaign rally in Iowa.

Clinton continues to do well in the Northeast and West but Trump remains competitive with her in the Midwest and South.

Donald Trump says it’s “probably unlikely” that Russian Federation is trying to interfere with the USA election and that Democrats are spreading that as a rumor. US officials blame Russian government-backed hackers for pulling off the intrusion, which embarrassed Democrats and led to the resignation of the DNC chair.

In the interview, Trump cast doubt on reports that Russian intelligence has a covert plan to create distrust in the upcoming American presidential elections.

At the televised forum on Wednesday night, Trump said he was “shocked” by information he got during the briefing.

The presidential nominee who has often praised Russian President Vladimir Putin, criticized United States policy in Iraq during an interview broadcast on a Kremlin-funded television network.

Trump’s interview surfaced as he and Clinton continue to clash over foreign policy in the run-up to the November 8 election.

“Every day that goes by, this just becomes more and more of a realty television show”.

Trump and his running mate, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, defended the comment.

House Speaker Paul Ryan, who has frequently broken with Trump, took a sharply different view of Putin.

“I hear some people in political conversations today express admiration for Vladimir Putin”, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R., Ill.), who has frankly criticized Trump, said during remarks on the House floor Thursday about the civil war in Syria.

Hillary Clinton was in New York Friday, meeting a group of national security experts. The fact that this took place less than nine weeks before the general election will have Republicans anxious again about the competence of Trump’s team, and the damage it might do outside of the Trump campaign to the GOP.

This week, both campaigns have released several statements about endorsements from USA generals and admirals.


Online critics hit Lauer for spending too much time on Clinton’s email server and trying to cut her answers short during Wednesday’s NBC forum on national security issues. That is virtually unchanged from a month ago, when Clinton led Trump 46-45 – which is considered a statistical dead heat.

U.S. presidential candidates Donald Trump left and Hillary Clinton