
25-year-old woman’s body stolen from casket after funeral

Sgt. Javier Salazar said they believe Julie’s body was taken on Saturday, August 15 between when her funeral service ended at 1:30 and when the funeral home locked up at 4:30.


So many questions as to why someone would take and what they would do with her body have gone unanswered at this time.

Dick Tips is offering a $20,000 reward for information that leads to the body’s return or the arrest of any suspects.

San Antonio investigators tell USA Today that the body of Julie Mott was removed from her casket at Mission Parks Funeral Chapel North on August 15. He noted that the building lacks security cameras and is open to the public.

Funeral home owner Robert Tips says the casket was moved into a hallway where it awaited transfer for cremation after the funeral services ended, Fox News reports. “And I’m moving forward because I just can’t believe that it’s a Class A misdemeanor, the truth of the matter is that a Timex watch is more important than human remains”, Tips said.

“This is a family business of five generations, and I just am not believing that this is happening”, said Tipps. “So, while they are following up on cases, we do know that there is a distinct possibility that the person we need to be watching hasn’t come to our attention yet”.

On Mott’s Facebook page, among the photos of her hanging out with loved ones and riding horses, friends have posted messages expressing their heartbreak over her death, as well as their anger over her missing remains. Friends of Julie Mott are sickened by the crime.

“So disturbing and unbelievable that someone would do this”, one friend wrote. “It’s been a mean world without you”.


Speaking to reporters several days earlier, Tim Mott, Julie’s father, delivered his own message.

Julie Mott's body was stolen from a casket at a San Antonio funeral home on August 15