
26 die in airstrikes on Islamic State-held town in Syria

The monitor said it was not clear whether the air strike in Hasaka province was carried out by the Syrian army or a U.S.-led coalition that is mounting a separate aerial campaign against Islamic State in Syria. The country’s security officials said that militants from the Islamic State group blew up a sports stadium near the militant-held city of Ramadi. The airstrikes often result in civilian casualties.


Iraqi army Colonel Ahmed al-Delimi, for his part, told Anadolu Agency that U.S.-led coalition warplanes had struck Daesh positions on the outskirts of Fallujah city and the Al-Saqallawiyah sub-district, leaving 21 militants dead and two armored vehicles destroyed.

Iraqi security officials say that militants from the Islamic State group blew up a sports stadium in Iraq’s western Anbar province.

However, contrasting reports say the 30,000 seater stadium was empty of security and military forces-they vacated the stadium a “few days ago”.

The Iraqi army regained control of the Ramadi Olympic Stadium as part of its plan to take the city back. In recent months, it was used as a military base for Iraqi security forces and allied militia groups. A U.S.-led coalition has been conducting intense airstrikes in Anbar in an effort to help the Iraqi government regain control of the long-volatile province.


Since the US left Iraq, the city of Ramadi has been at the center of a power struggle between Iraq and ISIS and it recently fell to the militant group in May.

The strikes targeted the Syrian town of Manbej in Aleppo province