
‘2nd Amendment People’ may stop Clinton

At a Tuesday rally in Wilmington, North Carolina, Trump warned his supporters that Clinton meant to heavily restrict the Second Amendment rights of Americans to own firearms.


“Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know”, Trump said without elaborating.

Many took the statement as a threat of violence against Clinton, and the Democratic presidential nominee quickly fired back with a statement.

Donald Trump attempted to clarify a controversial statement he made in reference to Hillary Clinton at a campaign rally in North Carolina on Tuesday.

“This is simple – what Trump is saying is risky”, Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook said in a statement, reports The Hill.

It’s been interpreted by Democrats and Republicans alike as a thinly-veiled threat and as a dog whistle call to action, a suggestion to his less-stable supporters to stop Clinton through gun violence.

Trump campaign senior communications advisor released a statement that said, “It’s called the power of unification – 2nd Amendment people have fantastic spirit and are tremendously unified, which gives them great political power”.

“Donald Trump suggested someone kill Sec Clinton”.

Mr Trump then noted the power Mrs Clinton would have to nominate justices to the US’s top court.

“And there can be no other interpretation”, Trump said of his remarks.

Social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, erupted over the Trump comment. His campaign maintains he was talking about the political pull of the Second Amendment, while others hear a call for violence against Democratic rival Hillary Clinton over the right to bear arms. “I mean, give me a break”.

“I just don’t want you to be shot by someone who shouldn’t have a gun in the first place”, she said.

“If that were me, this would be a headline all over the world”, Trump said.

Mr Trump’s remarks come after eight days of negative headlines, controversial remarks and some leading Republicans saying they can not vote for him in November’s presidential election.

Martin Mulholland, a spokesman for the Secret Service, said in a statement via email to POLITICO: “The Secret Service is aware of the comment”.


Trump’s own words are now referred to as the “Clinton spin machine, ” and people who quote Trump’s own words are “Clinton lackeys”. Hillary wants to expand regulations, which she does bigly. He says a Trump-Pence administration will sign “Sarah’s Law”, a bill introduced by Iowa senators to tighten laws around people living here illegally who commit crimes.

If Trump can't get along with GOP, how will he govern?