
4 robberies reported Tuesday at UM College Park campus

Three of four victims robbed Tuesday night on the University of Maryland-College Park campus were playing the “Pokémon Go” game, campus police said.


Officers searched the area and said they could not find a suspect.

Map of where 4 armed robberies took place on Univ of Maryland campus tonight.

The next two happened around 10:15 p.m., both near Queen Anne’s Hall.

Police say the suspect was wearing black clothing and showed a black handgun in two of the incidents. Police said a weapon was implied and that the victim complied with the robber’s demand and handed over his property.

Police said three of the four victims are students.

In total, police got three reports of robberies involving four victims. It is unclear if the game was used by the suspect to somehow lure them to the area or if the game played any part in the crime. The suspect stole their cell phones.


Individuals with any information regarding these cases are encouraged to contact UMPD at 301-405-3555.

4 robberies reported Tuesday at UM College Park campus