
43 civilians killed in Yemen bombing

The head of the World Food Programme WFP, Ertharin Cousin, said markets in the country do not have enough food to feed the population.


Yemen’s conflict pits Shiite rebels, known as Houthis, along with troops loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh against southern separatists, local and tribal militias, Sunni Islamic militants and troops loyal to President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, who is in exile in Saudi Arabia.

In addition, U.S. warships have also helped enforce a naval blockade in the Gulf of Aden and southern Arabian Sea.

“[The] lack of immediate and unhindered access to people who urgently need food assistance and the shortage of funding create the possibility of starvation for millions, mostly women and children”, said the WFP.

Releasing the report, UNICEF Representative in Yemen, Julien Harneis, said: “This conflict is a particular tragedy for Yemeni children”.

“Children are bearing the brunt of a brutal armed conflict which escalated in March this year and shows no sign of a resolution”, the United Nations agency said.

Recognizing the importance of comprehensive and accurate news coverage from across the length and breadth of the country, Sky News Arabia continued its in-depth reporting throughout the crisis in Yemen in extremely challenging and unsafe circumstances to bring to its viewers the developments as they unfolded. Well over 1.5 million are externally or internally displaced.

Last night, 13 educators and four of their children paid a most awful price in the continuing conflict in Yemen – killed in an airstrike on a teachers’ office in Amran, just north of Sana’a.

More than 1.2 million children are suffering from moderate to acute malnutrition and over half a million children are severely malnourished, it said.

“Serious damage to the port will potentially deprive millions of people of food and prevent importation of fuel which is necessary to run health facilities, flour mills and water and sanitation works”, UN humanitarian coordinator for Yemen Johannes van der Klaauw warned.

At least 43 civilians have been killed and scores of others injured after Saudi military aircraft launched a series of airstrikes in Yemen’s southwestern province of Ta’izz. “The report depicts in harrowing detail the gruesome and bloody trail of death and destruction in Ta’iz and Aden from unlawful attacks, which may amount to war crimes, by all parties”.

As soon as a ceasefire is in place, the Houthis should remove heavy weapons from the Saudi border and Saudi Arabia should expedite aid to the northern Yemeni governorate of Saada.


In Yemen, the United States is in a de facto alliance with AQAP and ISIS against the Houthis, despite being officially at war with AQAP and continuing its campaign of drone strikes against the group’s leadership in Yemen, while it carries out daily air strikes against ISIS forces in Iraq and Syria.

Bomb in governor's office in southern Yemeni city kills 4