
46 years since man first set foot on the moon

Buzz Aldrin then joined Armstrong to explore the lunar surface for the next two and half hours. Fellow crew member Michael Collins orbited high overhead in the Command Module Columbia. The goal, proposed by President John F. Kennedy, was: “landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth”. However, a future extraterrestrial archeologist may find artifacts even more valuable than our aging space probes and golden records: the lucky ones will find our garbage. It was created by combing the first syllables from the names of all three Apollo astronauts – Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins. At the time of writing the piece, 2,122 backers have already pledged $154,923.


The moon landing and walk took place 4 days after the Apollo 11 blasted off from the Cape Kennedy launch pad.

“We want to preserve Armstrong’s spacesuit-and the story it tells of its incredible journey-down to the particles of lunar dust that cling to its surface”, Smithsonian’s crowdfunding page explains. And this was a big achievement in the history of space.

The campaign begins Monday, marking 46 years since Armstrong’s moonwalk in 1969.


The process of making the controlled display case is a very intricate process. The suit was created for short-term use so the materials are expected to break down over time. Humankind has sent incredible technological emissaries into the cosmos, with the New Horizons Pluto probe recently joining its esteemed predecessors on a path out of the solar system. It was on national television and NASA has remastered the recording and it can be found on the internet.
