
5 percent of Americans would vote for Harambe to be next president

Specifically, the fact that 5 percent of voters believe that Harambe, the dead ape widely understood to be in Ape Hell, is the best possible candidate for President of the United States. The poll question doesn’t explain he’s not human.


Five percent of voters have a favorable opinion of Harambe while 27 percent have an unfavorable one. But sadly, with his life cut short, the vast majority of folks still weren’t sure what to make of Harambe: 73 percent of Hillary voters said they’re “Not sure” if they have a favorable impression of the gorilla, compared with 63 percent of Trump voters (35 percent of them held an unfavorable opinion). “It only says Harambe would be running as an Independent against the Republican, Trump and Democrat, Clinton”. Harambe, whom I again would like to point out is both and gorilla and no longer alive, is polling just below Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson (6%).

Actually, another recent survey indicates Harambe would fare pretty well at the polls.

Are poll respondents informed?

As this year’s presidential race continues after the Republican and Democratic conventions concluded, a new poll asked Americans to weigh in on some important topics. Those are the things some PPP questions try to help answer.

Participants were also asked about their overall opinion of Harambe.

Young people don’t merely dislike Hillary Clinton – they want her behind bars – at least according to a new PPP poll.

18 percent of voters think Clinton is involved with the underworld, and 21 percent aren’t quite sure whom she’s pledged her loyalty to.


This video includes clips from WCPO and Buena Vista Pictures / “Aladdin”, and images from The Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden and Getty Images.

Silverback Gorilla Joins London Zoo