
5 things Donald Trump needs to do before election day

The FBI released internal documents from its investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email servers during her time as secretary of state. The materials also show that the Federal Bureau of Investigation was unable to track down all of Clinton’s devices, including phones, it sought, and that made it impossible for agents to definitively answer every question they had, including whether Clinton’s emails were hacked.


On the basic pocketbook question, the poll found that 36 percent of voters feared their own access to affordable care would get worse if Republican Donald Trump is elected, versus 24 percent who anxious their own situations would worsen under Clinton.

Clinton’s campaign and aligned Democratic fundraising committees started September with $152 million in stockpiled cash for her general-election battle with Republican Donald Trump, her campaign announced Thursday. “Donald Trump’s divisive rhetoric continues to drive voters away from him and the Republican Party and has created new opportunities for Democrats up and down the ticket”.

In the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll, more than 20 percent of likely voters opted for a choice other than the two major nominees, whether an alternative candidate, “would not vote” or “unsure”.

But there is also evidence that Clinton’s standing with Hispanic voters may be weakening. On the overall access and affordability of health care, 52 percent trusted Clinton, compared with 39 percent saying Trump would do better.

Clinton campaign officials defend their Latino voter strategy, including the decision not to begin airing general-election ads on Spanish-language television until later this month.

Bill Cassidy is a staunch critic of President Barack Obama and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. But still, she ought to be doing even better.

NBC News chief anchor Lester Holt will moderate the first scheduled presidential debate on September 26. The details are positively jaw-dropping.

The shift brings the race back to where it was before the conventions in July.

Joshua Holland says that everyone asking whether Trump can ride the working-class white vote to victory is misunderstanding these voters and what motivates them.

Elise Foley patiently explains why we should not accept that Trump is “softening” his proposed treatment of undocumented immigrants just because he uses that word from time to time, especially since his actual plans would do the opposite. Just over half said a Clinton presidency would not make much difference to their own personal access, while 37 percent felt the same way about Trump. All polls used in calculating the average include both Gary Johnson and Jill Stein on the list of candidates tested.

Rep. Ben Ray Lujan, the chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, is holding up the Trump’s candidacy as the reason more people are keeping their eyes on the battle for the House.

At The Week, I explained why it’s perfectly fine to vote against the candidate you hate and not for the candidate you like.


Robert Schlesinger imagines how much of problem Trump’s thin skin would be when it comes to handling foreign policy in particular.

CNN, NBC set campaign programming for next week