
50 security officials from GOP administrations say they won’t vote for Trump

Arkansas senator Tom Cotton, a Trump supporter, suggested in an interview on Sunday that there could be a link between the emails and the execution of Shahram Amiri. But Donald Trump does not reflect historical Republican values nor the inclusive approach to governing that is critical to healing the divisions in our country. But it’s not clear they sneaked in.


In their statement, Ruckelshaus and Reilly were particularly upset with Trump’s position on climate change, saying his characterization of it as a hoax “flies in the face of overwhelming worldwide science and the public conviction and commitment of nearly 200 national governments that adopted the Paris Agreement on climate change in December 2015”. In all, 14 protesters interrupted Trump – nearly all women.

“They tried to make these old exhausted ideas sound new”, Clinton said of Trump’s remarks earlier in the day. “Now that he is going through a rough patch there’s scant support to sustain him”, said political analyst Jennifer Raskin.

Ironically, that balanced budget attributed by Malpass to Ronald Reagan’s tax cuts occurred during Bill Clinton’s administration, and is routinely cited by Hillary Clinton as evidence of how reliable she will be in limiting the deficit.

But her main reasons for refusing to support or vote for Trump are: 1) his mocking of a disabled reporter, 2) his racially-charged attacks on a Hispanic judge, and 3) his attacks on the Khan family. Clinton campaign aides did not respond when asked if they had solicited endorsements or tried to persuade the elders to speak out against Trump.

Clinton will return to MI on Wednesday for an evening fundraiser in Birmingham and is planning her own address on jobs and the economy Thursday in Metro Detroit.

The Clinton campaign’s dare for Trump is pretty laughable.

Speaking at a rally in St. Petersburg Monday, Clinton said she would be visiting people working on the “front line of Zika” on Tuesday.

“Washington can not keep ignoring the needs of the families of Florida”, Clinton said. At the time, Pence was a prominent member of Congress who said he was “humbled” to be encouraged to run for president in 2012 – a race he passed on in favor of running for governor.

Abortion politics played a central role in the impasse.

In an increasingly bitter war of words between leading members of the Republican party and their presidential candidate Donald Trump, the security officials, including a former Central Intelligence Agency director, on Monday said the party nominee was unqualified to lead the country.

50 Republican national security experts signed a letter against Trump.

He pulled the same stunt repeatedly during the Republican primaries.

“We also know that many have doubts about Hillary Clinton, as do many of us”, the letter stated. “Trickle down economics does not help our economy grow”.

More than a dozen women protested Donald Trump’s economic policy speech Monday by jumping up and shouting in a coordinated effort to disrupt the Republican presidential nominee’s remarks.

With Election Day exactly three months away, Clinton kicked off the week with campaign stops in the crucial battleground state of Florida.

“Unlike previous presidents who had limited experience in foreign affairs, Mr Trump has shown no interest in educating himself”.

Trump’s economic plan, puts a populist stamp on a laundry list of standard GOP proposals.

Trump says that he will unveil a proposal to reduce the cost of childcare and increase choices for parents.

But one of Trump’s top surrogates conceded his plans would blow up the deficit. She also stressed her commitment to small businesses, asking “would you rather have a president who says you’re fired or you’re hired?”

He was discussing the economy before the Detroit Economic Club.

Podesta then urged Trump to end his “shenanigans” and agree to join Clinton on the debate stage.


For instance, Scott argued in his rebuttal, Trump’s threat to slap tariffs on imports from currency manipulators won’t work. Mark Kirk – have also ruled out voting for Trump. That would be a major drop from the current 35 percent corporate tax rate, though many companies pay much less because of various deductions.

Donald Trump