
50% would be embarrassed to have Trump as president

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) took third with 12 percent with retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson close behind at 10 percent.


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DuPont Chief Executive Ed Breen will be CEO of the new company, while Dow Chemical CEO Andrew Liveris will be executive chairman. There will also be a material science company that combines DuPont’s performance materials segment with similar Dow interests.

Clinton on the other hand maintains a healthy 31 percent lead on her main opponent, Sanders, and now has more than six in 10 Democrats in her corner.

Hillary Clinton would thump Trump if election were held today, poll finds
Then, impersonating Clinton’s voice, he continued, “Donald Trump is on video, and ISIS is using him on the video to recruit”. Cruz found a bit more support among downstate conservatives, pulling in 18 percent to Trump’s 29 percent.

In head-to-head matchups, Clinton leads Trump by the slightest of margins, 44%-43%, while Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders would easily defeat him 50%-38%. Respondents felt Ted Cruz had the strongest performance and Jeb Bush had the weakest, despite some memorable jabs at Trump. Among the 76.2 percent of GOP voters who considered themselves “conservative”, Cruz led Trump at 27.7 percent to 26.8 percent. Twenty-seven percent said they would not vote.

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Abbas says this will happen in about a year at the most, replacing the name Palestinian Authority. The Greek parliament will call on the government on Tuesday to recognize a “Palestinian state “.

Clinton has the right kind of experience to be president, American voters say 63 – 35 percent, while Trump does not have the experience, voters say 67 – 29 percent.

Six in 10 women said they would be embarrassed to have Trump in the White House, compared to 4 in 10 men. Conversely, the number of voters who said a Trump presidency would make them proud stood at just 23 percent.

“Half of American voters say they’d be embarrassed to have Donald Trump as their Commander in Chief”, says Tim Malloy, who is the assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll, “and most Americans think he doesn’t have a good chance in November, but there he is still at the top of the Republican heap”.

The poll also found that following last Tuesday’s Republican debate, Cruz continues to chip away at Trump’s massive lead.

Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton does not do substantially better on that question. Ted Cruz is snapping at his heels.

55 – 42 percent that she does not share their values. He also says that Trump versus Sen. He says that Trump’s leading the field is “a nightmare for the Republican party” and “not the image the Republican party wants to have”.

The latest poll put Gov. Chris Christie in fifth place among Republican voters and GOP-leaning independents with 6 percent, his highest percentage since May.


This nationwide telephone survey was conducted December 16-20. The newest polling from Iowa signifies in that the 2 are in a lifeless heat to win the 1st state. Some articles and pictures posted on our website, as indicated by their bylines, were submitted as press releases and do not necessarily reflect the position and opinion of, Canaiden LLC or any of its associated entities.

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