
$50K raised to help retired officer buy K9 Ajax

OH state code 9.62 states that officers are allowed to purchase their K-9 partners when the dog is retired for just $1.


Officer Mathew Hickey developed a close bond with his police dog, Ajax, and the two were together every day for the past three years.

Recently retired Marietta officer Matt Hickey has offered to buy the dog for $3,500 – the police dog’s estimated value, but the city said Ajax must be sold at auction because he’s public property, according to the Associated Press report.

The city is putting Ajax up for auction next week, and Hickey is raising funds on in an attempt to be the winning bidder.

Ajax is still a healthy police dog and is active on the force, so he’s considered a valuable piece of the city’s property.

A GoFundMe page was set up to help Hickey buy Ajax, and it has raised more than $41,000 as of Sunday. The plan is for any money to be donated to a K-9 fund to help purchase bullet-resistant vests for K-9 law enforcement officers. All posts that have been received have been passed on; however, Facebook is not the best way to reach those officials who are making decisions regarding retired Officer Hickey and K-9 Ajax.

The state law prevents Hickey from keeping his beloved K-9 partner by his side despite national outcry.

But Mayor Joe Matthews says he can’t do anything about it, and they must abide by the law.


But there may be a way for Hickey and Ajax to stay together.

Retired Officer Matt Hickey has lived and worked with police dog Ajax for three years. When Officer Hickey retired this week he hoped to keep Ajax but was told the dog was set to go to auction because of state law