
9/11 attacks to be remembered in New York, Washington, Pennsylvania

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U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump (center left) arrives at a ceremony marking the 15th anniversary of September 11 attacks at the National 9/11 Memorial, in NY, the United States, on Sept. 11, 2016.

Each year, family members spend hours reading out the names of all the dead at the memorial, an increasing number of them young adults who never or barely knew lost parents, uncles, aunts and grandparents.

Relatives in the crowd embraced and some held photos of loved ones and signs that read: “Never to be forgotten”, “We miss you” and “Gone too soon”. “Terribly, terribly, terribly. Not a day goes by that we don’t remember him”, Acquarviva said.

Four of those mark the exact times four hijacked planes were crashed into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon near Washington D.C., and a Pennsylvania field.

Clinton – a former NY senator – has frequently highlighted her efforts, including in a campaign ad released Friday, to aid those affected by the World Trade Center collapse.

More than 340 firefighters and 60 police were killed on the that sunny Tuesday morning in 2001.

President Barack Obama speaks at a memorial observance ceremony at the Pentagon on Sunday.

“Fifteen years into this fight, the threat has evolved”. “We’re still the America of heroes who ran into harm’s way; of ordinary folks who took down the hijackers; of families who turned their pain into hope”, Obama said.

No public officials will speak at the NY ceremony, in keeping with a tradition that began in 2012.

Still, the nation tries to put partisan politics on hold on the anniversary, and both Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican rival Donald Trump were at the anniversary ceremony at the World Trade Center.

Trump, meanwhile, called the anniversary “a day of sadness and remembrance” but also “a day of resolve”.

Almost 3,000 people died when hijacked planes slammed into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field near Shanksville on September 11, 2001.

She fell ill after about 90 minutes at the service, becoming “overheated”, aides said, and was taken to her daughter Chelsea’s apartment in Manhattan. The former first lady has dismissed “conspiracy theories” about her health, saying the coughing was brought on by seasonal allergies and pointing to a detailed report from her doctor declaring her fit to serve as president.

The first of what will be six moments of silence was observed at 8:46 am (1246 GMT) – the time when the first hijacked passenger jet hit the North Tower of the World Trade Centre. The solemn process was paused at 9:03 a.m. ET to recall the moment a second plane hit the South Tower.

As evening falls across New York City tonight, spotlights will project two giant beams of light into the night sky to represent the fallen twin towers, fading away at dawn. “We stand with the survivors who still bear the scars of that day”, Mr Obama said on Saturday in his weekly address.

A new freedom tower, “One World Trade Centre”, now stands next to the memorial and a museum has also been erected that houses relics, including flags and equipment from the time the towers fell.

“September 11, 2001 touched every single NYer, but the terrorists did not prevail, because 15 years later we are strong, and we are unified”, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said.

Nineteen hijackers died in the attack, later claimed by Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida, which led directly to the USA war in Afghanistan and indirectly to the invasion of Iraq.


People carried pictures of their loved ones who died in the attacks and placed flowers and American flags in the names inscribed into bronze panels edging the twin reflecting pools at the memorial site. “In the face of terrorism, how we respond matters”.

Marking 15 years since 9/11, ceremony keeps personal focus