
9 confirmed killed in United States jet crash against building

“We are shocked and deeply saddened for the families, colleagues and friends of those who perished”, the statement read.


Family members say a Florida real estate executive was among the nine people believed dead after a small jet crashed into an OH apartment building. They have not been identified by authorities. However, Associated Press cited family members of the enterprise which included a Diane Smoot were among the victims. They include those who lived in the building hit directly, as well as the occupants of eight apartment units in the two buildings on either side.

“I’m just heartbroken”, Beth Blakeslee of Newark, Ohio, told the newspaper.

“We’re going through the process of trying to make positive IDs, with dental records”, Guenther said Thursday. “Hopefully when all that’s done, we can get the deceased back to their loved ones”. Lauderdale, then made stops in Minneapolis and IL before spending the night in Cincinnati Monday night.

Suriel, a Project Manager Assistant at Pebb, left behind a husband and a one-year-old daughter, Local 10 reported.

The passengers were employees of PEBB Enterprises, a real estate firm in Boca Raton founded by the late Paul Wiener.

In Akron Tuesday, there were no reports of injuries on the ground. A second house in the area also was damaged, likely from the fiery debris. “Then the aircraft hit half an apartment building destroying it before running up an embankment behind the building and coming to rest”. Haymaker was updating the recovery status of a jet plane crash Tuesday, as the plane was attempting to land at Ak…

The 38-year-old factory worker, who is usually home at that time, left to run errands at 2:15 p.m. Upon tackling his to-do’s, Bartley didn’t go home right away.

The plane was about four miles from the Akron Fulton global Airport when it crashed into a four-plex apartment building.

They are searching for the twin-engine jet’s engine data recorder and its ground proximity system, which alerts pilots if they are flying too low.

They were due to brief the media at noon (1700 GMT), Akron Fire Inspector Sierjie Lash said.

Dinh-Zarr also says contact with air traffic control in Cleveland will be examined, since it is heard giving pilots a vector to put them on the correct flight path for a localized approach to the runway.

A pilot who landed at Akron Fulton worldwide Airport just before the crash was interviewed for details.

“It was horrific”, Porter told CNN affiliate WOIO. “I’ve flown that airplane”.

“I’ll always remember Nick, as a great teammate well-liked, a great captain as far working with the coaching staff, working with administration and the school, working with his teammates and stuff”, he said.

The owner of the jet, Execuflight, said both pilots were very experienced and liked to fly together.

Dinh-Zarr said she expects that the NTSB will be in Akron for two days, although the investigation may take longer.


“It’s just unbelievable to have something like that happen”, he said.

The plane reportedly clipped an apartment building before going down