
9-year old batboy had ‘nearly constant smile’

Kevin Jenks with the National Baseball Congress said on Monday that Carlile died “doing something he loved”.


Kaiser’s parents said they wanted the Bee Jays to go ahead with their game on Sunday night, which the team won 8-0.

Following Kaiser’s death, the National Baseball Congress suspended the use of bat boys for the remainder of the World Series Games.

He always looked out for his kid sister, she said.

He also said Kaiser would always be with them and his smiling, encouraging spirit would be everlasting. That’s the part that makes us all wonder “why” and while it may never be answered, now is the time to support the city of Liberal, the BJ’s organization and Kaiser’s family.

Since Carlile’s initial injury, there has been an overwhelming amount of support from fans and the social media world, who’ve sent prayers and words of encouragement for the fearless bat boy.

“We simply misplaced slightly, 9-year-old Bee Jay and it’s extremely unhappy”, Carlile stated. “No one wrote us a book to tell us how to do this”.

A Bee Jays batter was in the on-deck circle taking warmup swings and accidentally hit the youngster in the head, the statement said. He’s like, ‘You made me late!’ ” said Mike Carlile, who is the second cousin of Kaiser’s grandfather.

As for how he would remember Kaiser, Anderson recalls vividly how vocal the youngster was before and during games, often showing an innocence about the game that players tend to lose as they rise through different leagues. Still he realizes every time Nick takes to the field, he takes a risk.

For numerous Bee Jays, Kaiser’s death was deeply personal. Coach Anderson was asked what he has said to his team about the loss and about handing their grief.

Thank you, everyone! If you haven’t heard, Kaiser passed away this evening, but the financial…

The 9-year-old bat boy for the Liberal Bee Jays has passed away after he was accidentally hit in the head by a bat swung by a Bee Jay’s player on Saturday. Simmons also added, “It is bad to see you leave in such a way, but knowing your last moments were on the baseball field makes it easier through this whole process, because you were doing what you loved”.


More than three hours later and after 13 innings in the heat of the afternoon, the Bee Jays put together an improbable 12-5 win to advance at the NBC World Series at Lawrence Dumont Stadium in Wichita.

Liberal Bee Jays bat boy critically injured after being hit by bat at NBC WS