
Kim Jong-un Meets Cuba’s No. 2

Cuban revolutionary leader Che Guerra went to North Korea that year and proclaimed the country a model for the Cuban people; Fidel Castro paid the country a visit in 1986.


To the outside world, Kim Jong Un appears overly young, at times, a caricature.

The defector is guessing, of course – the same way he’s guessing someone in Kim Jong Un’s inner circle may be driven to assassinate the dictator, or that a provocation with the US or South Korea will backfire on the regime. “The fear grows more intense every day”. He agreed to speak only if he was completely hid in the shadows and his voice was altered.

Since his family and friends are still trapped in the Hermit Kingdom, the defector refused to give out his name for the sake of their protection. He also did not want the circumstances of his escape to be known.

Is he more of a tyrant than his father?

“Kim Jong Un revealed his true side”, says the defector.

Kim Jong-Un is losing support within his party and his days could be numbered. “After seeing the execution of Jang, I thought, ‘I need to hurry up and leave this hell on earth.’ That’s why I defected”.

According to Bandow, an unidentified Chinese scholar had said China insists on peaceful dialogue, and that it could be feasible if there was closer coordination between Beijing and Washington, while warning that “North Korea is an extreme country”. “How much trust Kim Jong Un can gain from his elites after the purges”, he said. “But in my personal opinion, upper class elites don’t believe it”, the defector said. The defectors perceive internal support was highest in 2012 when Kim Jong Un took control. “Kim Jong Un is showing confidence”. “They could be feeling anxious”.

“While worldwide attention has recently been focused on North Korea’s Sohae Satellite Launching Station and the possibility of a fourth long-range rocket test in October on the 70th anniversary of the Workers’ Party of Korea, developments at Yongbyon are cause for concern and should be monitored closely by the global community to determine their objective”, 38 North warned. The defector told CNN he believed Mr Kim’s reign would be “the shortest”.


“I can inform you for positive, the North Korean regime will collapse inside 10 years”, he says with out hesitation.

Top North Korean Leader Welcomes Cuban First Vice President