
University of Iowa president discussion

The midyear increase at UNI and Iowa State ends a tuition freeze for in-state undergraduate students that went into effect several years ago.


When the Regents voted on the amended motion to exempt the University of Iowa from the tuition increase, Regents Larry McKibben and Katie Mullholland cast the only “no” votes.

Tuition at ISU and UNI will increase $100 for each student in the second semester.

The University of Iowa Student Government said the regents displayed a “willful disregard for the opinions of students” in the final selection process. “I’d ask that you not increase tuition for the University of Iowa”.

The measures approved Tuesday night by two bodies representing the school’s 31,000 students added to a growing backlash against the Iowa Board of Regents over the hiring of corporate executive J. Bruce Harreld last week.

As a reminder, President-elect Bruce Harreld is set to begin his career at the University of Iowa November 2015.

McKibben said of the former proposal that he thinks all three universities should be treated equally, especially because the Regents will request additional funds for the Iowa City university in its 2017 legislative requests. A tuition increase would mean less strain on the institutions. School officials say it’s the university’s largest class.

The GPSG issued a statement that said in part “that the pretense of transparency throughout the search wasted taxpayer money and UI constituency members’ time and effort”.


Iowa State has had seven straight years of growth, with a 2015 fall enrollment of 36,001.

Faculty group condemns regents' hiring of University of Iowa president