
Regulate Uber like cabs:taxi association

Multiple commissioners says they believe the app-based service is valuable for creating part-time employment opportunities for drivers. They never got a chance to say what was on their mind.


Another elderly cab driver was overcome with emotion as he spoke.

The rally, coinciding with similar events in Brisbane and Melbourne, reduced traffic outside parliament to a crawl as protesters spent nearly two hours venting their frustration at the unregulated business they said was destroying their industry and livelihoods.

Taxis waiting for customers at Melbourne Airport.

A tweet with the hashtag #KeepMelbourneMoving was sent out around the time of the protest. Until a resolution regarding Uber is reached, taxi firms have said the widespread strikes will continue across the country.

“Our problem is basically the government acknowledges that UberX drivers are driving illegally under the Passenger Transport Act but that Uber may or may not be lawful”, he said.

STEPHANIE CORSETTI: Why do you think people are turning to Uber to use it?

The Victorian government is working through the issues, but Premier Daniel Andrews said Thursday’s rally would have left customers little choice but to use it.

“We respectfully disagree with today’s decision by the Supreme Court upholding, as a matter of “administrative” discretion, the TLC’s blatantly arbitrary and caprious determination, in direct violation of New York State law”, Higgins said.

“This might be news if there was actually a product UberX drivers could buy – but there is not”.

The taxi industry has been battling with the city and requesting that amendments be made ensure cabs and private-vehicles for hire (Uber) would operate under the same umbrella.

“We are in a hard position”.

It’s now up to city hall if consumers will receive cheaper fares.

“They don’t have smart phones”, she told the crowd.

According to a research paper by The Australia Institute, which was commissioned by Uber, ridesharing services could ease strain on existing taxi services during parliament sitting weeks with staffers described as “heavy users of taxis”.

“We want to chop the snake off at the head not the tail”.

Protesters in Melbourne promised rolling strikes in the Victorian capital next week.

A global day of action against Uber is planned for 16 September.

Taxi companies now all have apps that do exactly what Uber does. “Therefore, it is not clear where these discussions might lead”, the city report reads. “Instead of improving their own business, these plate owners are blaming others”.

Uber drivers, by contrast, need to have a four-door vehicle in good shape that isn’t more than 10 years old. And drivers get 55 per cent of the fare. Some investors hold more than 300. The move came despite months of lobbying by taxi drivers angry that Uber drivers were operating in town without the same licensing and insurance requirements as local cabs.


Uber Black is legal, but is more expensive than UberX.

McArthur|City Report Aims To Settle Uber VS. Cabbies Argument Once And For All