
FOP President: Morale already improving with Chief Blackwell’s firing

“Chief Blackwell has undergone systemic political attacks”, said Derek Bauman, a Mason, Ohio, police officer who started the Facebook group, “We’ve Got Blackwell’s Back”.


Blackwell, hired in 2013, came to Cincinnati from Columbus after serving as the deputy chief there.

“At a time in which our city, like so many across the country, is facing a risky spike in violence, we simply can not afford such ineffective leadership, ” Black, the city manager, wrote in a report on Blackwell.

Black wrote that “these and other concerns” had prompted him to launch an investigation into the department that had uncovered “serious” problems. “As such, morale is at an unprecedented low level, and the general sentiment throughout the department is that Mr. Blackwell’s leadership style has created a work environment of hostility and retaliation”.

Blackwell was called to City Hall at 11 am on Wednesday, where City Manager Harry Black, along with a representative from human resources, terminated Blackwell’s employment with the City of Cincinnati “for cause”, according to the memo.

Bauman said the allegations against the ex-chief in the memo issued by City Manager Harry Black are troubling, but it’s important the public’s voice be heard. The powers that be did not value the way I policed’. For example, during a funeral procession for a murdered police officer, Blackwell paused to take several “selfies”. Isaac was appointed Interim Chief after Jeffrey Blackwell was fired Wednesday. There is also speculation that Blackwell may have recorded questionable work hours. They point to the fact that when he was campaigning for mayor, Cranley asked then-City Manager Milton Dohoney not to hire a chief until the election was finished so the newly elected mayor could have a say in the hiring.

The Sentinels president Phill Black said he was shocked as he worked his way through the reports.

“In time, people will see the truth, hopefully sooner rather than later”, said Blackwell.

The FOP is still having their meeting September 14, but there will be no vote.


City spokesman Rocky Merz said there is no timeline established for the police chief search. “I know one thing that he will be because we’ve had discussions already is listen to his command staff. He’s going to listen to his captains on what they need in their districts”.

Interim Police Chief Eliot Isaac making an unexpected visit during this afternoon's roll call