
‘Equals’ Star Nicholas Hoult on Falling for Kristen Stewart in World

In a previous interview with Mirror, the star’s mom, Jules Stewart, expressed her approval and support for Kristen’s relationship with her girlfriend.


“Equals ” is a dystopian sci-fi drama centering on the lives of Nia (Stewart) and Silas (Hoult) as they live in an advanced society that has banned emotions and traditional human relationships.

Appearing thin in a leather jacket and an abundance of rings, Stewart ‎waved aside the idea that she had embarked on a new chapter after five “Twilight Saga” films, the last of which came out in 2012.

Actress Kristen Stewart is notorious for being tight-lipped and fiercely private.

That is just about the place the similarities to the vampire franchise finish, nevertheless.

When asked about Doremus, who also helmed indie hits “Like Crazy” and “Breathe In”, Stewart professed to be a huge fan of the 32 year-old filmmaker. Narrative unfolds at its own deliberate pace; emotions are muted instead of shouted.

Aesthetically, “Equals” is also a world away from “Twilight“, with an ethereal score and a bright, spare look courtesy of cinematographer John Guleserian.

For one of the most scrutinized stars on the planet – as many as a thousand people turned out in the rain to shriek and get a glimpse of Stewart as she made her way to the premiere here Sunday afternoon – the actress said she is trying to tune out other voices as she continues working.

“Typically it is simpler to not really feel”. We would go home and be like, ‘We seriously need a drink. “It was a painful movie to make in every way”. “Anybody who’s had a bad day or maybe like is just PMS-ing or just feeling too much on a certain day where you have to go and show face, I’ve had to do that a lot, an exceptional amount”, she continued. Would you exist anymore?

With her jet-black inkings on show and her hair slicked right back, K-Stew channelled the gothic look and teamed the dark and sultry dress with kohl rimmed eyes and a barely there lip that offset her clear, porcelain complexion. She can also be extra formidable in her profession decisions, bringing on the auteurs quick and livid recently.

Stewart will be in attendance for the premiere of “Equals” at the Princess of Wales Theatre on Sunday at TIFF.


“I think the only way to be truly progressive and truly move forward is to not ignore your heart and your feelings”, she told People magazine at the Toronto global Film Festival.

Kristen Stewart reveals why Nicholas Hoult is a terrible liar