
USA clerk Kim Davis returns to work

If she interferes with the issuing of licenses, U.S. District Judge David Bunning said she could go back to jail, The AP reported. At times, protesters shouted.


“This case was brought to ensure that all residents of Rowan County, gay and straight, could obtain marriage licences”.

She said the licenses will read that they are issued pursuant to a federal court order.

“Any marriage license issued by my office will not be issued or authorized by me”.

Matt Sparks, sheriff of this rural county, has found himself in the unexpected position of coordinating reporters from around the globe as they wait for a couple to arrive and try to get a license.

And while a lesbian couple was getting their license, there were jeers from a few in the crowded office. Shannon Wampler-Collins said it was ridiculous Davis changed the form.

“We’re really excited”, said Carmen Wampler-Collins, “This is all a little nuts”.

Beshear disavowed that idea, saying they “are going to be recognized as valid in the commonwealth”. This same sex couple faces yet another obstacle on the way to marriage equality in this commercial I directed.

Bunning released Davis from jail Tuesday, six days later, on the condition that she does not interfere with her deputies issuing the licenses.

Republican presidential hopefuls Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee jumped on the Davis bandwagon last week, capitalizing on the image of an outspoken Christian woman sent to jail for her beliefs as evidence for their claims that people opposed to gay marriage are suffering religious persecution. (See video above. A full version of Davis’ comments can be viewed in another CNN video, which was picked up by the local WSBT website.) Although Davis showed a bit of defiance in her refusal to authorize marriage licenses, her overall tone was more humble than many might have expected.

Robin Wilson, a law professor for the University of Illinois, disagreed.

Spokeswoman Allison Gardner Martin said Monday that Conway hasn’t been asked to issue a formal opinion on the validity of the licenses, but he believes that those issued while clerk Kim Davis was in jail and the one issued so far since her return to work are valid.

She contends that gay marriage is a sin and that it would be sinful for her to issue a marriage licence to such a couple. I’m just a person that’s been transformed by the grace of God, who wants to work, be with my family.


Davis had very little to say as she and the other clerks struggled to get through the media crush in the courthouse Monday morning. In his boss’s absence, Mason and the other clerks have already handed out seven marriage licenses, whcihc have been altered to exclude Kim Davis’s name.

Kim Davis