
Pope appoints new bishop for Kansas City Catholic diocese

Bishop R. Walker Nickless is one of the clergy world-wide who will be meeting with the Pope during his trip to the US next week. Until then, he will continue to serve as administrator of Missouri’s Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau, where he was consecrated bishop in 2008, the website said.


Press are invited and Bishop Johnston will answer questions following his presentation.

Bishop James V. Johnston Jr., who will be installed in his new post November 4, said at an event introducing him Tuesday that the diocese had endured “uncertain and often hard days” and stressed the “great need for some healing”. Finn resigned after being convicted of not reporting suspected child abuse. He also supported the Catholic Worker movement.

Born in Knoxville, Tenn., Bishop Johnston is the eldest among four children of James Vann and Patricia Johnston.

Johnston left a career in engineering in 1985 in order to pursue a call to the priesthood.

He was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Knoxville June 9, 1990, and six years later, he went on to earn a licentiate in canon law from The Catholic University of America.


However, as he wrote in a letter to the diocese, he’s “trusting in the love of Jesus Christ and God’s mysterious providence….” Joseph diocese, according to a news release.

The Vatican named Bishop James V. Johnston Jr. as the new bishop of diocese. Johnston has been been leader of the Springfield- Cape Girardeau Diocese since 2008. He will be installed in his new post on Nov. 4