
Chelsea Clinton Surprised Her ‘Hero’ Mother Hillary Slipping In Polls

Despite a big fundraising advantage and a slew of endorsements from party leaders, Hillary Clinton’s standing with voters has slipped – multiple polls show a majority of Americans don’t find her honest and trustworthy.


Asked by an audience member for her opinion on Sanders’ political views, Clinton said she was glad the Democrats were having a “vigorous debate“.

Savannah mentioned some of the words being used to describe Hillary, which included “dishonest” and “untrustworthy”, but Bill Clinton’s daughter maintained that her mother will make it out on top.

But in his brief conversation with the Daily News Tuesday, he refused to attack his main rival, Clinton, who supported tough-on-crime policies in the 1990s she’s since disavowed. Bernie Sanders has a lead over Clinton in New Hampshire and is closing the gap in Iowa. But there’s nothing shocking, or fatal, about the drop in her support among female voters. Though it has somewhat diminished, Clinton has a huge lead over Vermont Sen.

“What they’re not telling you is that Hillary used to be in the 60s in this same poll, and she is plummeting”, he said. They pointed Mr Sanders’s past criticisms of North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and his calls for the USA to begin winding down its nuclear weapons programme.

“You know, I’€™m not one of those who ever thought this was going to be a straight shot, ‘€ the Democratic presidential candidate told reporters following a ‘€Women for Hillary’€ rally at the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls. They suggested I’d be friendly with Middle East terrorist organizations, and even tried to link me to a dead communist dictator”, the email from Sanders campaign reads. “We just think that when people hear what he has to say, it really resonates with them”.

With 43% of the vote, Clinton is slightly leading among Democrats, according to the Monmouth University poll.

Countless polls have shown the Democratic nomination fight at different stages, but the overarching trend is that Sanders, once a dark horse candidate, has pulled closer to Clinton than he has ever been.

These findings should make the Clinton camp shudder.

Clinton’s New York Senate seat is now held by Kirsten Gillibrand, who has made combatting sexual assault a key part of her legislative efforts.


Rattner: Well, sure. You can’t keep throwing a line that goes down and down forever.

Formerly seen as a fringe candidate Bernie Sanders has struck a chord with Democrat voters and has challenged frotrunner Hillary Clinton in recent polls