
Oklahoma ranks sixth in US for women slain by men

An annual report shows that Nevada still ranks in the top 10 when it comes to women murdered by men.


Tied with Tennessee at sixth in the county, Oklahoma stands at a murder rate of 1.65 per 100,000 for the year of 2013 (the most recent year for which data is available).

“It is obvious that we have a serious problem in South Carolina”, Callaham said.

Every year, about half of assaults reported to police are for domestic violence, and roughly half of homicides are domestic-violence related. Twelve victims were under the age of 5, according to the state report. The study covers homicides involving one female homicide victim & one male offender, & makes use of knowledge from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Supplementary Murder Report. The average age was 38, and 90 percent of the victims were killed by someone they knew. 13 of the homicides concerned arguments between the sufferer and the offender, in accordance with the research.

For homicides in which the weapon used could be identified, 48 percent of female victims were shot and killed with guns. Of these, 69 % have been killed with handguns, the research discovered.

An improved ranking doesn’t mean domestic violence is decreasing in Oklahoma, cautions Deb Stanaland, chief support services officer for the YWCA Oklahoma City.

“What we know saves lives are certified domestic violence agencies”, she said.

The state is ranked worst in the nation for deadly violence against women.

“Our providers are in such excessive demand”, she stated. The law includes harsher penalties for offenders, a gun ban – with some offenses earning a lifetime ban – and education for middle school students about domestic violence.


Nationwide, 1,615 ladies have been killed by males in single sufferer/single offender incidents in 2013, a fee of 1.09 per 100,000.

South Carolina Tops Nation For Deadly Violence Against Women