
Rand Paul Is So Over Donald Trump: ‘It’s almost Become Pitiful’

“There was such a silliness and lack of seriousness on his part, I think America is going to be done with him”, Paul said. “Nobody wants that”, Paul said.


At the start of the main event during the second Republican debate, Donald Trump wasted no time attacking his opponents on the stage. “I think people are ready to talk about issues”.

“I think America’s tired of it, the sort of sophomoric jibes”, Paul said during the interview.

And Trump kicked off CNN’s Republican presidential debate Wednesday night with jabs at Paul. “But I think the laughter is over and now it’s become almost pitiful”.

It’s no big surprise that Paul, who began the first debate with a fierce accusation that Trump was hedging his bets by not committing to support the eventual GOP nominee regardless of who he or she is, is planning on continuing that strategy.

“The first time people hear that, some people will laugh at the sophomoric jokes as they have for a few months now”, Paul added. “He’s No. 11. He’s got 1% in the polls“. Paul said that America doesn’t need a commander-in-chief who hurls insults at others for their physical appearance and tosses other “middle school” attacks.

Trump is far and away the leader of the GOP pack, leading in the polls by 30.5 percent to Paul’s 3.3 percent, according to a RealClearPolitics polling average.

Paul responded by saying Trump’s “junior high” insults were emblematic of why he should not be in the Oval Office. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush admitted Paul was talking about him.


“I’m the only one on the stage who has actually put forward a budget that balances”, Paul said. “And I think these are the kinds of things we probably ought to be discussing”. “My mom’s not happy that I just did”.

Rand Paul unloads on Donald Trump's 'pitiful' attacks after fierce