
Jeremy Corbyn says he wants to restore trade union values to Labour

On whether he will campaign to keep Britain in the European Union, Corbyn said it will depend what concessions Prime Minister David Cameron secures in his renegotiation of Britain’s terms of membership before the referendum that he has pledged to hold by the end of 2017.


She said: “I congratulate Jeremy Corbyn and Tom Watson on their convincing victories in this election”.

What we do know is that Mr Corbyn expects them to be answered properly.

Benn’s comments were at odds with those of the party’s former business spokesman, Chuka Umunna, who on Sunday cited Corbyn’s views on Europe as one of the key reasons the pair had agreed he would not serve in the new leader’s top team.

A few days into Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership and we’re already seeing how collective responsibility operates under a lifelong backbencher, who voted against the Labour whip 534 times and who won with the support of just 14 MPs.

Speaking during Wales questions, parliamentary under secretary of state for Wales Alun Cairns said the Rugby World Cup “gives us a great opportunity to sing the Welsh national anthem and the UK national anthem together”. And nowhere has it more obvious than at the weekly Prime Minister’s Questions where, over the years, the half hour of questioning of the Prime Minister by the leader of the Opposition and other politicians has often descended into fractious and unproductive exchanges.

BOLTON’s Labour MPs were impressed by new Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s first appearance at Prime Minister’s Questions. “My proposal, which the party will have to discuss – and they will – is that we should not impose the current benefit cap”.

The Northern Irish Parliament is currently undergoing a political crisis sparked by an IRA-linked murder, and Mr Lewis offered to temporarily remain in his role, but Mr Corbyn rejected the idea.

Corbyn and his finance spokesman John McDonnell have argued that printing money to pay for investment during times of recession will sustain growth – something they say should not be achieved by paring back public spending.

He told Channel 4 News: “I have been elected to lead our party and I’m very proud of that, I’m very proud of the result which we achieved”.


“That’s why it would be a huge mistake for the Labour Party to think it should be pitching to the left”.

Corbyn 'could not see Labour campaigning to leave EU'