
Internet Australia, AIIA urge Turnbull to fast-track NBN

IT was only a week ago that Capricornia MP Michelle Landry met with Malcolm Turnbull as the Communications Minister to discuss the rollout of the NBN in CQ.


As these Australians watch what the prime minister has been saying over the last few days – going back to his press conference on Monday night – their hearts are breaking. Mr Turnbull sells himself as offering a “new style of leadership” that “respects the people’s intelligence”… yet obviously doesn’t respect it enough to allow voters to judge his party on its record without relying on his “advocacy” to “translate values”.

Australia’s tech community is hopeful that the initiatives Turnbull fostered will gain new immediacy now he has taken the country’s highest office. Most importantly, Roy Morgan Business Confidence plunged 9.7pts in August to a four year low of 102.6.

Members of the opposition Labor Party accused Turnbull of flip-flopping for political expediency.

“There is no greater enthusiast than me for seeing more women in positions of power and influence in Parliament, in ministries right across the country”, Mr Turnbull said.

“I’m reaching out to Malcolm who’s been elected: he said it’s a broad church, it’s now incumbent on all of us, including Malcolm to make sure we are not divided”, he said. Our goal is cutting emissions.

“In sprawling London and Munich suburbs the likes of Openreach and Deutsche Telekom have deployed the same Fibre to the Node(FTTN) networks we are about to launch – because doing so enables them to connect end-users quickly and cost effectively”.

But he would not have been able to if he had woken up the day after the spill, overturned every contentions government policy, and smashed the coalition agreement. Australia needs investment in services and new industries if it is to shift from an over-reliance on exporting iron ore and coal-the hope is that consistent pro-business government will help that where Mr Abbott’s repeated U-turns hindered it. But the general election is due in less than a year.

Millions of Australians are now asking themselves, more in sorrow than in anger, I suspect: how did it come to this?

Turnbull is totally at odds with The Nationals on both policy and personality, but Turnbull is the PM now so The Nationals have gone from being Abbott’s lapdogs to a totally spent force in Australian politics. “It will connect kids to their online schools, connect farms to their export markets, and means a big leap forward in closing the digital divide”, Morrow said. He is renowned for delivering scathing character assessments while apparently impervious to the possibility that anyone might be offended. That dampened the urgency for Abbott or his predecessors to diversify growth engines away from the mining industry, leading to a two-speed economy and widening inequality.

The knifing of Tony Abbott will go down as one of the most destructive and arrogant acts of political bastardry this nation has yet seen.

So far, the public seems to like him.

Never has an Australian politician exerted so much energy and negativity as Tony Abbott to achieve so little, in fact absolutely nothing in terms of genuine policy reform of any sort.

It’s expected Mr Turnbull will be sworn in around midday Canberra time, although this will depend on the timing of Mr Abbott’s resignation.

A ReachTEL poll published on Thursday found 62 percent preferred Turnbull versus 38 percent for Shorten.

The Morgan Poll surveys a larger sample (including people who only use a mobile phone) than any other public opinion poll. It had a 1.7 percentage point margin of error.

“Malcolm Turnbull and the Liberal Party now have an opportunity to lead a bipartisan process to change Australia’s constitution to reflect our modern, independent national identity“.


“It’s not just a question of changing the jockeys”.

Former ACT chief minister and treasurer Katy Gallagher is a strong contender for Jan McLucas spot on Bill Shorten's shadow ministry