
Get A Free Copy of the US Constitution Today

“On September 17, 1787, the United States Constitution was completed and signed by 39 of the most influential men in American history”, said King. Americans look to it to define and interpret the rights we enjoy as citizens.


President Thomas Jefferson would have, I believe, appreciated the concept of Constitution Day.

Philadelphia is poised to seal its national identity as a nexus of innovation, cultural prestige and excellence in higher education. As a result, at Fayetteville in 1789, the state ratification convention approved the Constitution.

These visits, along with field trips that thousands of students make to the Capitol each year, help bring to life the work we do at the state level and the impact our decisions have on them and their families.

In 2004, federal lawmakers designated September 17 Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, instructing government agencies, in the words of the Library of Congress, to provide their employees with “educational and training materials” on the Constitution and instructing all schools receiving federal funds to “hold a program for students” on this day.

For many years, Massachusetts has celebrated Patriots Day, which marks the victories at the Battles of Lexington and Concord. Aside from reminding citizens of the importance of these two battles, the day itself furthers the pride Bostonians feel toward their city. The War of Independence, we must keep in mind, was fought not to replace one powerful central government with another, but to establish a nation that embraced a radical philosophy of self-rule. I also think, having lived in both cities, Philadelphia is better. To protect individual liberties, the 10 amendments to the constitution – which became known as the Bill of Rights – were written by James Madison.

4) What document did the Constitution replace? Not a somber event to passively reflect on a distant past, but a citywide celebration of what we each have to contribute to our promising future.

Nationally, the League has served tens of millions of voters, many of them young people and first-time voters, through the award-winning, nonpartisan election resource The site is a “one-stop-shop” for election-related information, providing state specific information about voter registration, machines, absentee ballot information, election dates, polling place locations, ID requirements and more.

The Establishment Clause, for instance, is covered by Professor Marci Hamilton (who is generally seen as being on the left on the issue) and Professor Michael McConnell; the Free Exercise Clause by Professor Fred Gedicks and Professor Michael McConnell; the Second Amendment by Professor Adam Winkler and Professor Nelson Lund; and so on.


We the People of the United States…might not know a whole lot about the Constitution. More remarkable is that it has endured longer than any other constitution. A survey from several years ago found that almost twice as many could name a particular “American Idol” judge than the U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice.

Jacob Shallus