
Town Hall Question To Trump: When Can We Get Rid Of Muslims?

The assertion came during a Trump campaign question-and-answer town hall event in Rochester, New Hampshire, just one day after the second Republican debate. Our current President is one.


Controversy: Donald Trump has sparked outrage at a question-and-answer session in Rochester, New Hampshire, by failing to correct an ignorant supporter (right) who said Obama is a Muslim and not an American.

“We have a problem in this country”. The man continued, asking, “We have training camps growing where they want to kill us”.

A seemingly bewildered Trump interrupted the man, chuckling, “We need this question?” He said that he would be looking into the issue and plenty of other things.

“A lot of people are saying that and a lot of people are saying that bad things are happening out there”.

Trump now leads the GOP field by 10 points. The night started off with a bang as the issue of President Obama and the possibility of him being a Muslim took center stage. When reporters asked afterward why Trump didn’t challenge the questioner’s statement over the president’s ethnicity and religious background – as Republican Sen.

Trump, who made his political name by leading the so-called “birther” movement to which this guy clearly subscribes, didn’t make clear in that Obama is a Christian American. “Obama is a decent person and a person you don’t have to be scared of as president of the United States”.


The Washington Post reported that Trump is not the first Republican candidate to be asked about the alleged “Muslim training camps”. A spokeswoman later clarified that he did believe Obama was Christian, but disagreed with the media’s obsession with “gotcha” questions. “And that’s what this campaign is all about”, McCain said.

Donald Trump