
2 more bodies found bringing death toll in wildfires to 5

Those fatalities followed the death of a 72-year-old woman who had refused initial advice to leave during the Valley fire’s early stages and later could not be rescued. But for the firefighters, a mental and physical toll is mounting just as fast. And those on the front lines struggling against the walls of flame are wondering when, if ever, work will return to normal.


Fire crews are gaining ground against a devastating Northern California fire that has destroyed hundreds of homes. At over 141,000 acres burned, it’s larger than the Valley and Butte Fires combined and has already earned a place among the largest in the state’s history.

9 a.m. – Officials confirmed Thursday two more deaths attributed to the Valley Fire. Officials say that number could swell to 1,000 or more.

Welcome rainfall has at last made its way into the northwestern US.

He says the constant demands of the job have destroyed his marriage and affected his only child. Deputies say the men clearly didn’t know their way around Hidden Valley Lake when they were stopped. “I might not see him for another six weeks”.

The area the Valley Fire turned into a desolate, charred wasteland is one of relatively low income, high unemployment, and relies heavily on tourism for its economy-in other words, a part of California that could least afford a natural disaster.

The fire also has moved away from the Sierra Nevada’s Giant Sequoia trees, some of which are 3,000 years old.

Now is the time when regional, state, and national forces of humanitarianism needs to bond together and help all those in need no questions asked.

“I want to reassure our customers that we at PG&E take the risk of wildfires very seriously and are focused on doing everything possible to mitigate the risk of fire during this drought”, he said.

He blames this on the prolonged drought and a proliferation of dense, dry undergrowth full of natural oils.

“These fires are actually exceeding what our models will even predict”, said Ken Pimlott, director of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.

“We are hopeful that the fire does not claim any more lives”, the sheriff’s department said in a statement.

Four firefighters suffered second-degree burns battling the blaze Saturday.

The Valley Fire began burning on Saturday afternoon near Cobb, California, located less than 100 miles north of San Francisco. That data will be shared with Cal Fire investigators. Its ranks swell to about 6,500 at the height of fire season, and numbers are augmented by 4,300 prison inmates jailed for non-violent offences who are assigned to Cal Fire. That fire is about 300 miles southeast of the fire raging in Middletown in Northern California. The man in the passenger seat, Jimenez, and the passenger in the back of the auto , Cesari, were also wearing camouflage or black clothing.

Cal Fire’s emergency firefighting budget has increased sharply in recent years. That’s compared to $240 million for all of 2013.

The extra funds, which come from California’s general fund, buy additional fire trucks, planes and helicopters, and help pay an expanding overtime budget.


“There is no end in sight”, McLean said. “We haven’t had a real break all year”.

The charred remains of a car belonging to Leonard Neft who has been missing since a wildfire tore through the area and destroyed his home days earlier sits in the Anderson Springs area Wednesday Sept. 16 2015 near Middletown Calif. Aided by drought