
Gov. McCrory says he’ll sign North Carolina budget deal

“The new budget deal unveiled in Raleigh today, if signed into law, will build upon the successful tax reform act of 2013 and will ensure the North Carolina remains a national leader in tax reform”.


The Senate Rules Committee voted for amended House legislation aimed at exempting the Belhaven hospital from certificate of need rules and for deeming the building an “existing hospital” for state licensing purposes.

The final House vote of 81-33 was similar to the margin of the initial House vote Thursday night. A veto would have led to a showdown with the legislature as the stopgap spending measure expired.

He did take umbrage with the legislative process employed by his fellow Republicans in the General Assembly, particularly the passage of a budget more than two and a half months into the fiscal year.

“I had reservations (Tuesday) primarily because I had not had an opportunity to read 429 pages of the budget”, said Sen. Senators had wanted to scale back assistant funds and eliminate driver’s ed money. But he says it’s better than an earlier plan in which urban and destination counties would have lost tax revenue.

McCrory, a Republican, told The Associated Press last weekend he was concerned about sales tax changes, particularly the expansion of the items subject to the tax to cover repairs, maintenance and installations. “We got about 90 percent what we requested”, Governor McCrory told ABC11 anchor John Clark Thursday morning.

The chamber voted 110-2 on Wednesday for the bill, which would widen qualifications for curriculum about sexually transmitted diseases, contraception and sexual abuse.

Tentative approval for the 429-page bill that spends more than $21.7 billion this year and a little more next year came only 16 hours after the measure was released to the public and to Democrats in the minority. Local tax proceeds largely would be distributed to assist about 80 mostly small and rural counties.

“While there may never be a budget document that will be considered flawless in the eyes of 170 different members, we feel that the final budget outcome is a major step in the right direction for North Carolina”, stated the letter, which was published on Onslow Rep. Chris Millis’ official webpage.

“The changes to the corporate rate trigger only repeal the sunset date on the trigger, ” said Jason Soper, policy advisor for House Speaker Tim Moore, R-Cleveland. He’ll be asked to sign the bill into law.


Given the positives in the overall spending plan, McCrory said, “there’s no way that I’m going to as governor shut down government or our schools because of some disagreements within a $21 billion budget”.

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