
Trump cites ‘double standard’ in comments about Fiorina’s appearance

“It’s a awful statement, it’s going to haunt him, absolutely”, Trump said, referring to Bush’s since-retracted statement that he’s “not sure we need half a billion dollars for women’s health issues”.


Trump called former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush “weak on immigration”.

Her response to Trump’s previous comments on her appearance – “I think women all over this country heard what Mr. Trump said” – and Fiorina’s impassioned speech against the Planned Parenthood fetal organ videos dominated the Twitter debate universe. Trump’s involvement in expanding Florida gaming-an effort that regularly fails in the state Capitol due to the influence of conservative lawmakers-is well-known among state capital reporters, politicians and lobbyists alike.

The Washington Post reported that Trump had more time to talk than any of his counterparts. Lindsey Graham says he’d drink a lot more if he gets into the White House. “You know he’s not even an American”. Reporter: While across the country, Hillary Clinton smiling, as well.

JEB BUSH: It doesn’t work for anybody on this stage. But a Trump-dominated conversation may not have worked out in his favor-the other Republican candidates were ready for the GOP frontrunner, countering his attacks and launching some of their own repeatedly throughout the debate. “Would you feel comfortable with Donald Trump’s finger on the nuclear codes?”

“It’s not only a double standard – it’s being politically correct”, Trump told Fox News’ Sean Hannity, saying he was “very nice” to his surging rival.

Donald Trump’s teflon started to wear thin at Wednesday night’s Republican presidential primary debate.

Walker’s challenge worked to his advantage, as opposed to Paul’s, as he appeared to know which attack Trump would respond to him with-the Wisconsin budget.

“I think she’s got a lovely face, and I think she’s a handsome woman”, Trump said.

GWEN IFILL: Each member of the 11-candidate field took turns trying to break through. “Your brother and your brother’s administration gave us Barack Obama because it was such a disaster those last three months that Abraham Lincoln couldn’t have been elected”, Trump said. “That I can tell you”.

Perhaps the most interesting part of the poll are the results showing who helped themselves most and least last night.


While Trump inspired plenty of acrimony on the debate stage, all of the debate participants seemed to understand why the real estate mogul is leading in the polls – voters prefer a political outsider.

The Christie Comeback tracker With two debates down he can't sink much further