
Fiorina gains in social media after 2nd GOP debate

After failing to present sound foreign and domestic policy plans and enduring repeated blows from his Republican foes, GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump is starting to look a little less presidential, according to the Political Prediction Market from CNN and Pivit. In Ohio, Fiorina sat at the kids’ table debate.


As for the debate itself, the 24 year old is a fan of Ronald Reagan and the younger President Bush, but is not ready to decide which candidate he likes best (not necessarily Jeb Bush, either). An earlier GOP debate that day, what some have dubbed the “kids’ table” debate, only featured four participants: Rick Santorum, George Petaki, Sen.

SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM: That went nowhere. Would anyone vote for that. At the time, Trump claimed he had misheard the the question. When Mr. Trump sharply criticized his record in Wisconsin, Mr. Walker hit back: “Just because he says it doesn’t make it true”.

I think women all over this country heard very clearly what Mr Trump said“, Fiorina said simply, winning the first ovation of the night from the live audience. Crickets. We really need more women represented and she is a very capable, accomplished, great leader and it was important to get behind another woman who wanted to represent this country.

“A couple nights ago we had this debate and it was fun, in some ways”, Bush said. Vague enough for you? It’s quite possible that the winner[s] in Iowa and/or New Hampshire will come from the batch of more traditional candidates, i.e., candidates who have committed the sin of holding public office (a transgression that Fiorina attempted in 2010). While Trump is using his own money to fund his campaign, neither Carson nor Fiorina have been able to leverage their grassroots popularity into large-scale fundraising. If so, are they still happy with their favorite candidate, or if not, will they switch to another one? He had been asked what he would do, if he were president today, to get Russian troops out of Syria where they are fighting on the side of President Bashar al-Assad. “You’re both successful people, congratulations”. It’s all who you know….

The candidate said the temperature inside the debate hall was “extremely hot for everybody sitting there and for the people standing”.

Rand Paul, Ben Carson, and Mike Huckabee hurt themselves, Spencer said.


Most current college students first became familiar with Trump’s name from the bold, bronze letters emblazoning his name on buildings across the nation and his reality TV show, The Apprentice. “That I can tell you”.

COOPER How big a mistake do you think it was for Donald Trump to come back