
Donald Trump Pokes Fun At Himself On Jimmy Fallon’s ‘Tonight’

Fallon also said that while Trump has gone from a joke candidate, with him not even believing Trump was serious about running when he announced it, to people taking his run more seriously, the perception of Hillary Clinton as a White House shoo-in has changed a bit.


I will absolutely apologize – sometime in the hopefully distant future – if I’m ever wrong”, Trump said.

Donald Trump dropped by the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, and if you think he’s about to tone down the rhetoric, you’re wrong.

In a sketch that supplemented the sitdown interview, he and Fallon wore matching dark suits – and sculpted coifs – for a take on the old “talking to myself in the dressing room mirror” routine. To which Donald Trump gave a very interesting answer, and ended up saying he is considering Kanye West to be his VP!

On Thursday, Jindal slammed Trump’s hair after Trump mocked fellow Republican candidate Carly Fiorina’s face in a Rolling Stone profile.

He said: ‘Kanye has been so nice to me. But he quickly added, “I think that she’s gonna have a hard time”.

Looks like Donald Trump is adamant on making headlines every other day and this time it includes another one of the persons who loves to be the talk of the town.

“By doing it”, said Trump.

Fallon asked how Trump was going to “build a wall along the Mexican border”.

Fallon: How are you going to create jobs in this country?

After an exchange with the requisite Trumpisms of “huge” and “genius” sprinkled throughout, Fallon’s Trump says, “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention”. Trump said he would appreciate it very much if CNN and FOX, which both hosts debate, could donate portions of their earnings, obtained during his debate appearances, to a charitable organization. The host played DJ Khaled’s “All I Do Is Win”, bouncing around in his chair to the music. “Due to the recent derogatory statements by Donald Trump regarding immigrants, NBCUniversal is ending its business relationship with Mr. Trump”, the company said way back then.


After a commercial, Fallon did a proper interview with Trump, if you call “You’re in the lead now, right?” a proper question. “And if you keep digging, eventually you might come out in China and be the president of China”. Earlier this week, Jeb Bush had a less-than-stellar debut appearance on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert“.
