
Australia Dropped Its First Bombs On Syria Overnight

Australia has launched its first air strikes against the Islamic State (IS) in Syria, Defense Minister Kevin Andrews confirmed on Wednesday.


A statement issued by US Central Command overnight on Tuesday confirmed allied airstrikes on Tuesday had included attacks on an Islamic State tactical unit and an armoured personnel carrier near the north eastern city of al-Hasakah.

“Our planes are now striking at terrorist targets inside Syria as well as in Iraq too”, the now ex-prime minister said (via ABC).

Australian jets completed their first operation in Syria on Friday, but did not attack any positions.

During the operation, Australian military aircraft were not at risk of enemy fire, Andrews said, adding that strict guidance and controls were in place to limit the civilian impact.

The United States, Canada, Turkey and Gulf states have already been involved in strikes on IS militants in Syria.

The French air force has been carrying out reconnaissance missions over Syria since Sept 8, and strikes will follow “in the coming weeks, as soon as we have clearly identified targets”, Le Drian told France Inter radio.

Separately in Iraq, coalition forces conducted 15 airstrikes coordinated with the government of Iraq.

In an update on Australia’s mission in Afghanistan where Australia still has 400 troops Mr Andrews said there had been progress after the Afghan Army assumed responsibility for defending the country at the beginning of this year. News of the successful mission was first released by the USA government.

The “Hornets” mentioned by Andrews were among Australia’s fleet of 24 Boeing F/A-18E Super Hornets, which are the country’s go-to strike fighters, usually deployed with a range of air to surface missiles.


A Royal Australian Air Force FA-18 Hornet, like one used in the air raids, performs during an airshow at the Avalon Airfield near Lara, southwest of Melbourne.

Australian warplanes make first air strike in Syria