
Jeremy Corbyn will not quit North Atlantic Treaty Organisation or disband British Army – shadow chancellor

One Labour MP said: “Jeremy Corbyn never paid very much attention to previous leaders’ whips so I don’t think I’ll be too bothered about his“.


“There was a real risk of the republican movement splitting and some of them continuing the armed process”.

“If I gave offence, and I clearly have, then from the bottom of my heart I apologise”.

Most importantly, perhaps, he remains unpredictable on the economy.

“The peace we have now is due to the action of the IRA“.

The shadow chancellor used his Question Time appearance to also apologise for an “appalling joke” in 2010 about wanting to assassinate Margaret Thatcher. Despite a heavy election defeat in May, Labour remains influential in northern England and Wales and could be key to deciding whether Britons vote to remain inside the bloc.

“Back in the 1980s, there was a battle in Britain about the Labour party saying we needed nationalisation, unilateral nuclear disarmament, more powers for trade unions”, Cameron told worldwide investors, who were invited from around the world for the conference tied to the Rugby World Cup, which begins today.

Writing in the FT, Mr Corbyn said that workers’ rights on paid holidays, working time protection and improved maternity and paternity leave, which were underpinned by European Union legislation, were “under threat” in Mr Cameron’s renegotiation of the terms of the UK’s membership.

PROMINENT legal aid lawyer Richard Stein, who left Labour for the Greens in despair a year ago , has rejoined the party after Jeremy Corbyn’s emphatic win – and says the new leader can win in 2020.

However Jeremy Corbyn’s crushing victory on Saturday has dramatically changed the look of the party and Mr Shuker is one of those who has chose to step aside from the frontbench.

He said it would be hard to see McDonnell as chancellor of the exchequer, adding: “I am sure all clouds have a silver lining but I haven’t seen the silver lining here yet”.

“Speaking to local people in Rutherglen and Cambuslang, they want politicians to campaign for better and more secure jobs, a strong NHS and house building to address the thousands on housing waiting lists”.

Jim Moriarty, who represents the Priory ward and is a former leader of the party’s borough council group, confirmed his decision this afternoon.

Mr Corbyn hopes the FT article will settle once and for all the uncertainty that he has sown about his approach to Mr Cameron’s in/out referendum, which could take place as soon as next year.

“John McDonnell’s attempt to address this issue is welcome and long overdue”.


He has been dragged by entirely justified public outrage to address his obnoxious remarks only once they were brought to general attention.

Jeremy Corbyn is so far to the left it's improbable he'll be elected prime minister which makes life too easy for the Conservative government