
Apple Soon To Launch Online Payment in China

Ever since it first saw the light of day, about a year ago, the U.S. giant has been going through hoops to spread the platform and enforce it, along with its steep commissions on to banks and often distrustful retailers alike. The products and services of Apple has always made a bench marked when it comes to generating consumers and it appears that with the launching of the Apple Pay in China, more and more comforts are on the way.


Outside of the United States, the Apple Pay mobile payment service is only available in the UK.

Such mobile payment methods, however, remain niche despite UnionPay’s promotional campaigns.

An Apple Company offering online payment has launched in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone (FTZ), an area set up as a testbed for financial reforms, China News Service reported late Thursday. As per reports from the Shanghai database the company is involved in, “technical consulting, services and system integration in the field of payments”. To give you a little backstory on the matter – operating a payment service within China must be sanctioned by the government and approved by the central bank. During the third quarter of 2015, China generated nearly 27 percent of Apple’s $46.9 billion in revenue, thanks mostly to the incredible demand for the iPhone there.

The tech titan has also been talking to Chinese e-commerce firm Alibaba about helping Apple Pay launch in China.


According to AFP, internet company Tencent is providing a similar service through its popular messaging app WeChat.

Apple Soon To Launch Online Payment in China